System of Security

“It takes 20 years to build a reputation and few minutes of cyber-incident to ruin it.”
– Stephane Nappo

EverSecure™ Enterprise Risk Management Program

Is your organization truly secure?

Cybersecurity attacks are a danger to operations, data, trust, and organizational credibility. These risks can translate into devastating financial, reputational, operational, and strategic impacts.

EverSecure™ is a platform that offers a comprehensive approach to managing cybersecurity risks. Realizing that most non-profit and social good organizations are vulnerable to attack and in urgent need of support, we studied hundreds of cybersecurity platforms while interviewing thousands of sector leaders to determine the best system of security possible for our partners.

EverSecure™ offers a managed experience for clients including a powerful dashboard that displays current vulnerabilities, data asset lists, phishing exercises results, training campaigns statistics, cybersecurity policies, incident response plans and cybersecurity controls audit.

By identifying weak points and prioritizing critical data assets, EverSecure™ helps organizations safeguard their most valuable information.

What makes EverSecure™ different?

EverSecure™ is a comprehensive platform

Our platform combines best practices, training, and a specially tailored information security framework to assess your organization’s weakest points and safeguard your critical data assets by priority and impact.

Fully Customizable

Unlike other cybersecurity solutions, EverSecure™ is designed to be fully customizable and evolves with your organization’s needs. Our turnkey recovery and restoration system and implementation protocols are designed to work together seamlessly, making it easy to adapt to changing threats.

Detailed and Designed for the Social Good Sector

Our platform starts by identifying your most valuable assets and implementing a detailed information security program that meets modern compliance requirements, all at prices designed to fit the social good sector.

Commitment to Security

Our commitment to security doesn’t stop once deployment is completed. Our team is dedicated to ensuring that organizations execute the due diligence necessary to maintain the security of data and assets.

Continous Monitoring

We set the right policies and establish a cyber-aware corporate culture, while continuously monitoring your technical environment to ensure your ability to adapt to new, ever-evolving threats.

Included in the EverSecure™ Platform

Cyber Security Training

Tailored cybersecurity training to promote a culture of security for organizations.

Vulnerability Assessments

Identifying potential weak points in organizations cybersecurity and prioritizing critical data protection against cyber-attacks.

Phishing Exercise

Training employees to recognize and avoid phishing attempts to reduce the likelihood of cyber threats and data breaches.

Security Controls Audit

Evaluating organizations cybersecurity controls and practices, offering solutions to improve the security and confidentiality of their digital assets.

Data Asset List

Identifying and prioritizing critical data assets to prevent data breaches and safeguard sensitive information.

Incident Response Plan and Tabletop Exercise

Simulation and planning for helping organizations prepare for and respond to cybersecurity incidents, with a dedicated incident response manager assigned to the client.

Cybersecurity Policies

Tailored cybersecurity policies to establish a cyber-aware culture and maintain data and asset security in compliance with modern standards.

IT Security Risk Register

Identifying and prioritizing potential risks to information security, allowing organizations to take appropriate action to minimize those risks and protect critical data assets.