Our four pillars of service

We empower organizations to achieve their goals and help communities through:


Not-for-profits often struggle with outdated or improperly used technology

Some lack sufficient IT staff or the right in-house expertise to handle the workload. Others face cybersecurity issues, resource and budget constraints and additional issues that limit productivity. We remove technology-related obstacles that stop you from best serving your community.

First, we listen—about your unique goals and the ways you approach your work

Next, we assess the technology you’re currently using. We provide advice, planning and ongoing technical support that keeps you working efficiently, cost-effectively, today and tomorrow.

Ask us how to increase productivity through better technology use: contact us


Data breaches turn charities into headline news for the wrong reasons

Our Ever Secure program protects you from the financial and reputational damage posed by spear-phishing, malware, ransomware attacks and other threats.

Fifty-nine per cent of non-profits have no cybersecurity training

Meanwhile, 91 per cent of data breaches start with a phishing attack—preventable though training. Your clients, donors and stakeholders expect the personal information they provide to be safe. But many organizations don’t have adequate staff training and are operating without a robust protection program.

We safeguard your valuable data

Ever Secure is a powerful combination of best-practices, training and an information security framework tailored to fit the not-for-profit sector. We identify your vulnerabilities, determine your most valuable assets, and implement a detailed information security program that meets modern compliance requirements.

We don’t stop there

Security doesn’t stop once deployment is completed. An effective program needs to stay up to date. We can set you up with ongoing resources and monitoring, ensuring your ability to adapt to new, ever-evolving threats.

Contact us and learn how to be better-protected: contact us


Enlightenment is the “aha” moment when your data shows you the way

The future belongs to organizations who know how to harness the information they possess. If you’ve heard terms like “analytics” or “business intelligence,” this is what people are talking about. It’s using data to make smarter decisions, knowing the best direction to lead your organization, the best way to reach donors, the best way to deliver services, redesign your website, almost any improvement you can think of. In today’s data-rich world, unenlightened organizations will struggle to thrive.

You are rich in data. Learn to read its hidden stories

Valuable data is everywhere. In transaction records, spreadsheets, emails, tweets, telephone records, public census information, and more. We ask “What do you want to know?” Then our analytics experts dig in and pull it all together. We find the answers to your questions, make information relatable and help you visualize it. Armed with these new tools, effective decision making becomes easier.

Identify your obstacles, overcome your challenges and prove your success

Today’s stakeholders demand a higher level of accountability, and there’s no substitute for effective information management. Breathe easier with accurate information at your fingertips. Truly know how your employees are performing. Finally determine which activities consume the most time and resources. Report to your donors with proof-of-impact that only rigorous data analysis can provide. Data analytics brings enlightenment and paves the way to organizational success.

Contact us for more info about our analytics services: contact us


Become more environmentally sustainable

Protecting the environment is an increasing priority for us all. Whether it’s getting your data and email into cloud-based technologies that occupy less space, sourcing and implementing technology that conserves energy, or other solutions, we’ll help you reduce your footprint.

You need to be sustainable too

Your technology lifecycle is a critical consideration. Through consultation and future-minded planning, we keep you efficient and productive. We track, manage, and help with planned hardware replacements, breaking the technology poverty cycle. We also help with fundraising and grant-sourcing, and assist in stakeholder education on the importance of investing in technology infrastructure. And when unexpected problems occur, our Community Service Desk is standing by, ready to provide empathetic, proactive, economical support. We’ll keep you up-and-running, free to focus on your mission without interruption or worry.

Ask us about sustainable technology lifecyles: contact us

Ask us anything

Whatever your need is, we’ll look for a solution. Whether that’s managed IT support for non-profit organizations and charities, helping put needed technology into the hands of vulnerable community members, or simply supplying a little bit of advice, we’re here to help. It’s our mission.